Saturday, November 30, 2013

Banglalink Free Unlimited internet for pc [ updated Trick]

Now GP Free internet  is not work, so today I share  how to use Banglalink free internet in PC with unlimited browsing and downloading.  so complete  blew process and enjoy free net

requirement  : 1. Banglalink sim.........1
                        2. active P1 package [type P1 and sent 3343  from massage option ]
Don't miss it :  Banglalink free net for Android and Java

How to use Banglalink free net in PC

link : CLICK ME

2. Then Extract in it. download this  software also Proxifire soft
 Link : CLICK ME 
Then  Set up Proxifire and  open it.  for open it you need  put this serial key 


4. Now go to setting  >>   Tools >> options >> profile management
Then create a profile like this
 profile name=BL FREE
access number=*99# 

 now click in OK And Connect Modem
see blew screenshot 

5. Open Software   Inject Header Query  go to Main tab and go 'Use Query'  mark 'Use Proxy' then type
8080 before START 
6. dont click in  start       see blew picture  >>>>>>>>>>>>>

 7. now click in  2nd option SERVER  and put  1st box Proxy- and 8799 in 2nd box
then mark 
"Front option" in "net data"
8. now go to 4th tab and mark  'Front Query' then put ''
9. Then mark  'X-Online-H' and put here ''
10. now click on File Option and save it.
click in Start from main tab. and minimize it.

You Like Also :    Gp free net for android, symbian, java

   Now  open Proxifire 
11. go to profile >>'proxy servers'>> add >>ADDRESS     PORT    8080   >> HTTPS  >>OK

                                  See blew picture for how to do it

12. click again profile and check 'proxification Rules'  and  click on add box , then type IHQ in Empty box.

now select  'Inject Header Query' software location and click on direct. see blew picture

now minimize it and open your blogger for enjoy free net

How to add nice IP Address Widget in blogger or website

How to Add IP Address Widget

Add this widget in your blog doing blew steps
>> Go to your blog layout and  select Add A  Gadget  follow this arrow
[Blogger >> your blog >> Layout >>>  Add a Gadget ]
>> now  Select HTML/ Javascript click on [ + ]
>> paste blew code here

<div id="ipaddresse" style=" border-color:#EEEEDF; border:1px; border-style:groove; width:160px; padding:3px;">You are from <br />%%v_FLG%% %%v_IP%%<br />
%%v_CR%% ,%%v_RG%%, %%v_CI%% <br />
%%v_OS_IMG%% %%v_OS%%<br />
%%v_BRW_IMG%% %%v_BRW%%<br />
 %%v_I_RESO%% %%v_RESO%%  %%v_I_CLR%% %%v_CLR%%</div>
<script language="JavaScript" src=""></script>

>> now  click on  SAVE 

your widget looks like above picture

 if you faced any problem please comment

Add a Live Cricket Scorecard in blogger and wordpress- Blogger widget

Here is an excellent widget that give a excellent service  to your visitors. they see live cricket score when they visit your blog. It is very easy to add a live cricket scorecard in you blog.

How to a Live scorecard in blogger blog

## Just follow blew steps for it
1. Go to your blog Layout [ your account>> blogger dashboard >> your blog >>  layout]
2.  Click on  Add a Gadget
3. Now select HTML/javascricpt widget
4. Paste here blew codes

<script> app=""; mo="1"; nt="n"; wi ="0"; co ="2"; ad="1"; </script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

5. now save your  widget.

You have successfully do this now view your blog and enjoy it

Top 10 real estate property websites in USA

Hi Friends,
Now i am sharing with you top 10 property websites in USA for buying, selling or renting a home or office space. if you have any new idea about it. Please post a comment below. Thank you.











Wednesday, November 27, 2013

How to Build A Link Network

Hello Webmasters,
Here are some easy steps which can help you in building a link network :
Social Media :
Share your posts and links on the social media sites. Set up free accounts with Twitter and  Facebook like social media and start building backlinks through social sites.
Commenting on Social Sites :
Search the relevant topics and search for the sites and blogs with relevant theme to your site and post your valuable comments. Post natural and genuine comments in the conversation with helpful content.
Forum Posting :
Almost similar to commenting, you can share your ideas on popular forums. And here you can leave links in your signature.
Content :
Always try to post a relevant and valuable content in your website. A number of people will actually search for your site if you have a really good informative content.
Social Bookmarking :
Start using social bookmarking on websites which suits your catagory so that you can generate a backlink to your site.
Directory Submission :
Start submitting your website to directories. They will also help you in generating a back link to your site.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

GP Free net for android,symbian,Java with Opera mini

How to use unlimited gp free net for facebook updated 26/11/13

use free facebook from your Android, symbian, java mobile. its not work in pc.

you can use opera mobile, opera mini and dolphin browser in Android.

>> use opera mini for java and symbian mobile
>>so now use free facebook by doing blew steps
>>Go to your browser type     and go(no need any setting)
Enjoy free facebook now.

OurSecretX Youtube Ranker V1

Sales Letter Youtube Ranker Logo
You guys have to make sure you purchase the Youtube Ranker by OurSecretX! I mean this guys haven't even fully launch and they are already killing the Affiliate marketing game!. If you are looking for something that can make you some serious money then OurSecretX Youtube Ranker is something for you , They teach you how to rank high on youtube and show you to sale people on youtube the right way. Don't think that you know it all because after getting the OurSecretX Youtube Ranker you are just getting started with Youtube. OurSecretX Youtube Ranker V1   Believe us we try this out for our self's and notice this is something for everybody no matter what type of business you own or what you do. This work for Music videos, making money on youtube, or just getting know period. This is why You must understand that OurSecretX is taking off in the internet Business.   Watch this video made by one of the Young creators of OurSecretX Youtube Ranker ---> 

OurSecretX youtube Ranker

Robi internet excellent offer free prepaid (updated ) 2G-3G

Robi internet speed now excellent than ago. so you can you use robi internet fairly.
Robi give a nice recharge offer for its prepaid use only. so see detail about this recharge internet package offer.

Robi 2G  recharge internet package offer

Follow blew step to get and active this offer:
1. If your sim is new or you don't use robi internet bundle ago now you change pay per user to bundle.
dial *8999*00#.
2. now recharge mentioned taka for active your internet package.
such as you want to activated 2GB internet package, now you just recharge  399 taka. do not recharge 400 taka or more.
3. After your recharge you get 2048 MB for 30 days Automatically
4. for check balance dial   *8444*88# 
5.After expiration/exhaustion of data bundle pack subscriber will be automatically allowed to use Internet service as PPU. Charge will be Tk 0.10 / 10KB (without VAT) for using Internet service

Monday, November 25, 2013

TaskSheep ! Real or Not?

So this is the Main Question we hear. What Is TaskSheep?

Or is the TaskSheep A Real Company? While I will tell you this if you are use to seeing alot of online companies that pays you per Visit or Refer. Then TaskSheep is something New and Different and the Best!

But even through we haven't got paid yet since we are waiting for the pay period what I can say is this company is great! make $5 everytime somebody visit your account.


Yes we notice that people is not making money from The TaskSheep So we found a better paying job. That pays you every week I mean if you don't believe we have videos and Pictures down below for you to look at Called Project Payday is FREE TO JOIN

 But If you are looking for something similar to TaskSheep Please Check out Project Payday This company has a BBB Rating of an A. An its been around since 2006. They also pay you every time somebody created a free account into your page. CLICK HERE TO GET STARTED..Its Free to Join This is my first and second check from Project Pay Day ...

don't join TaskSheep Join Project Payday ITS ***FREE TO JOIN***


Unlimited Free SMS sent any country any where

Today I share a trick for free sms. it work any country in the world. you can send unlimited free
is very easy to send.  so enjoy free sms.

How to send free sms

1. first go to this link free sms
2. select your country from drop-down menu in form
3.type receiver mobile number
4.type your massage
5. type varification code which you see on picture
6. now click on send button 
    see blew picture

Any problem, please comment

Top 10 classifieds website list in Greece

Hi Friends,
Now i am sharing with you list of top 10 classifieds website in Greece. This classified site list are very helpful for Greece,s classified ads poster.
if you have another information about Top U.S.A free classified sites list. Please post a comment below.











Sunday, November 24, 2013

Submit Your website or blogsite in Google,Yahoo,Bing,Ask Search Eangine- search engine submit

After create a website or blog everyone want to get visitors. you can get visitor in many way in web. but the most effective and popular way is Search Engine. this is the best way to make a website or blog popular.
Now a days 90% internet users use  search engine for any thing around the web world.
so you can get more more and more visitor from search engine.
 now you need to submit your website or blog in search engine. today we submit your site in 4 search engine

How To Submit URL In Search Engine

Following blew steps you can submit your website in 4 search engine. 

Submit you website in Google

Google is the top search engine in the internet. most of all search through it.
submit you site in google by completing blew steps
1. go to this link google site submit 
2. complete the steps in picture

Submit your website in Bing

1. now go to here Bing site submit
2.type you website url
3. type captca code
4. submit

Yahoo site submission click Submit Your Site for Free
3. now you are redirecting to Bing

Ask site submit


It is not possible to submit a website to Although is a search engine, it is a search engine with a difference. It is a questions and answers based search engine.

free website or blog submit in 20 search engine And DIRECTORY Submit-Trick Link

Submit your website or blog in search engine you get more visitor from search engine automatically.
search engine submit is always free.

Free search engine submit

so go to blew link
Free Search Engine Site Submit
here you see a  from like it.

1. type here your website URL Like
2. your website name Trick Link
3. your email address here
now check the box in Terms
4. click on Submit Your Site

How to be on the Top of the Search Engine Results

Dear webmasters,
Today i will discuses with you How to be on the Top of the Search Engine Results.
You can see one more related article about How to 1st page on Google with specific keywords


How to be on the Top of the Search Engine Results

We should analyze that Which page is appearing on top in the search engine results for your keywords? Analyze the search engine results for at-least 3-4 weeks to see which page is performing well consistently. How the competitors are using those keywords for their sites? Analyze how the information is structured on your competitor’s website?Give your visitors the opportunity to comment on your articles, ask your visitors for their reviews. Keep forwarding the links and images to your friends and share it on the social media sites. Make your social circle to feel your existence. Make your visitors to return to your articles and let others know about your site. The increasing traffic can make the search engines attracted towards your site.Thus you can drive traffic to your site and you can be on the top of the rankings in the search engine results.

Visitors2Cash | Review

Yes that's right Visitors2Cash is something even bigger. Make money per visit and per signup ! that sounds nice.

But wait ! we found something even better then Visitor 2 Cash This company is called Project Payday, This company exactly paid you.

Not only that this company has a A+ BBB Rating...



Saturday, November 23, 2013

Top 10 real estate websites in Canada

Hi Friends,
Here is a list of top 10 real estate websites in Canada. I am sure this real estate websites are very helpful information for some people. If you have another suggest about it. Please post a comment below.











Got Paid With EarningVisit! | Review

What is EarningVisit?
Ok Everybody asking What is EarningVisit  is it Real a company or not. As of right now its not told if its a scam or if its a legit company. But either way it goes You can Still Make an Account with EarningVisit Since its no cost to start and join.

But If you are looking for something similar to EariningVisit Please Check out Project Payday 

This company has a BBB Rating of an A. An its been around since 2006. They also pay you 

every time somebody created a free account into your page.

This is Some Project Pay Day Proof ...

GET STARTED HERE... **Its Free to Join**

GET STARTED HERE... **Its Free to Join**

Quanta TeamQuanta Review !

O yes! get ready for the new release company called Quanta This is a dope company to help you make money while learning how to make money.

Think about it how nice does that sound. Learn how to make money while making money! but not only that they will give you there own money making system to help you generate such a great income at home.

But Wait!

We have something even better for you ! Called Project Payday! This company pays you everytime you have somebody creates a free account or complete a free offer,

So let me know what you think and on top of that this company called Project Payday has a A+ rating of an BBB

Just look at the link up top and Check out my proof down below...

JOIN PROJECT PAYDAY!! This is my Project Payday Check


Friday, November 22, 2013

Top 10 Classifieds site list in Malaysia

Hi Friends,
Today i am sharing with you best of  classifieds website names in Malaysia. Here you can easily post your Malaysian ads. I am sure it,s must be helpful for Malaysian ad poster. You can see one more related article about it list of free classified ads in india without registration

Top 10 Classifieds in Malaysia











If you know others information about it, Please post a comment below. 

Latest SEO Techniques For 2014

Dear Webmasters,

The success or failure of your site depends upon the search engine ranking result for your website. If search engines can’t find your site they will definitely find your competitors website on the top of the rankings in the search engine results. Search Engine Optimization includes a set of a number of strategies or techniques that starts from writing a unique content, to the submission of your website to the search engines, creating back-links for your site and social media optimization. Our goal is to achieve at the top of the rankings in the search engine results. However getting a website on the top of the  ranking takes a lot of time, but its not impossible. A quality content is the key to reach at the top of the rankings using the latest search engine optimization techniques. The latest SEO techniques include these:
SEO Techniques-SEO Promotions

Latest SEO Techniques For 2014

  •     Creating Meta tag data for your website
  •     Creating different unique titles for all the different pages of your site
  •     Creating keyword rich content for your site
  •     Make a good use of Heading tags
  •     Make use of ALT and TITLE tags to the images
  •     Good use of social media to promote your site
If you will make use of these SEO techniques your site will definitely be on the top rankings soon. And you should keep in mind and should keep yourself updated with the latest SEO updates. As the Google updates can affect your site a lot. If you modify and optimize your site according to Google algorithm updates no one can stop your site to be #1. The best way to reach this goal is to optimize your site naturaly and do not to do is the Robotic activity on your site. 

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Google announced Hummingbird Algorithm – New Google Algorithm Update

Google announced that it has rolled out a new algorithm called “Hummingbird algorithm” about a month ago. It was introduced on Thursday 26 of September by Google.
This new algorithm can give a better result for more complex search queries by its users. This update has affected almost every kind of search queries. But it is more efficient with long term searches or long complex questions. Hummingbird gives more attention to relevancy. It’s focused on the keywords relevancy and high rankings in search engine results.
Google is turning 15 years on Friday 27 September. Instead of cutting cake and celebrating party with Googlers, search engine giant announced the new algorithm ” Hummingbird “ to the press. It is more than a two years gap between two search algorithms as “Caffeine” was introduced in 2010. Most of the webmasters and Googlers were not aware of this big change, but now this is officially introduced.
Effects of Google Hummingbird Algorithm
This new update will affect the long complex search terms in the search results. Google wants to make the searches much user friendly and SEO friendly. Main focus is on maintaining a relevancy in the search term and content of websites. It will give more relevant result in SERPs, as “Hummingbird Algorithm” affects complex and long term queries by users. It has been noticed that, this algorithm has affected 90% of search engine results from the day it was launched. Webmasters were not aware of that there is any update which is rolled over and affecting their site rankings. Even they noticed the changes in the SERPs.
Hummingbird update is introduced by keeping in mind the future searches. Many users are liking to search anything by voice searching. This update also focuses on voice searching, so that users searching anything by voice searching gets a good and relevant result for their query. This is a new trend in the field of future mobile searching. You can read more about this update on article by ““, i.e. “Google Introduced Hummingbird Algorithm Last Month
According to “”, Google Search SVP Amit Singhal reports that the Knowledge Graph is now better prepared to answer more questions even when there’s no simple answer. For instance, a user can tell Google to “tell me about Impressionist artists,” and users will see a “card” listing these artists to discover. To switch over to the Abstract bunch, users can simply hit the new “Filter” tool. Comparisons can be done by hitting the “Comparisons” tool.
“In the next couple of weeks, you’ll be able to download a new version of the Google Search app on iPhone and iPad. With this update, you can get notifications across your devices,” he said. “So if you tell your Nexus 7, ‘OK Google. Remind me to buy olive oil at Safeway,’ when you walk into the store with your iPhone, you’ll get a reminder. We’ll also show you Google Now notifications so you’re not late to your cooking class.”
Now the SEO experts should change their strategy to optimize any search queries. This algorithm has affected 90 percent of SERP till now. The new strategy of optimization should keep the first thing in mind that, make sure you are working on long tail keywords and long complex search queries. Otherwise you are going to loose the race of high rankings in Google. Follow some basic SEO tips and improve your web rank in Google.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Just got Paid With 50dollarJobs ?

Yup Check out this Review Join Project Payday Instead of 50dollarJobs, They actually pay you money.

What we notice is that not everybody is getting their cut with these companies, Which is not good at all. But since it is free to join 50dollarJobs Why not give it a try, But don't give your hopes up in think that you will make $400 in one day that easier . Especially if you just got started making money online.

Theirs only a Few that can make $200 USD a Day which is those that been in the online business game for a while.  '

So make sure that you carefully of what you are doing. BUT GET THIS!

We are putting people on a company called Project Payday , But this company is just a little different then The 50dollarjobs. With this company they actually have a BBB Rating of a A+
So these guys are not going anywhere

Here is the BBB Rating Link: 


So you tell me what is real , A Company where we show you proof or a company where you haven't even seen one proof check yet!. ...

Visit Payments Its Real?

So this is the main Questions is what is Visit Payments?

Or is  Visit payment  A Real Company? While I will tell you this if you are use to seeing alot of online companies that pays you per Visit or Refer. Then Visit Payments is something New and Different and the Best!

But even through we haven't got paid yet since we are waiting for the pay period what I can say is this company is great! make $5 everytime somebody visit your account.

but you are probably thinking this is a scam? why would somebody pay me per visit. While look at it this way , The company make's money anyway (Visit Payments) because of there advertising they are doing.

JOIN PROJECT PAYDAY!! This is my Project Payday Check

But If you are looking for something similar to HiredPay Please Check out Project Payday This company has a BBB Rating of an A. An its been around since 2006. They also pay you every time somebody created a free account into your page. CLICK HERE TO GET STARTED..Its Free to Join This is my first and second check from Project Pay Day ...




Link Popularity in Search Engines

The quality and popularity of any website can be estimated by the number of quality web-links. The popularity can be also estimated by the number of links but this is only link popularity. The quality of web links should also be calculated and estimated. For the estimation and calculation we analyzes the number of quality links. And the quality links are the links with same related niche, good page authority, good domain authority, page rank of the back link site, its availability in search engines and many more. More the popularity of a site, more are the quality links from that site. Search engines make use of links in many different ways. We are drawing some assumptions that can help us to explain the role of link building in the top search engine optimization :

Top SEO Promotions - SEO Promotions

Link Popularity in Search Engines 

1. The Popularity of the website link
2. Keywords and Title Text
3. Page Rank of the websites
4. Juice Link
5. Social Media Networking

37 Free social bookmarking site list 2013

Hi Everybody,
Now i am sharing with you 37 Free social bookmarking sites name and url. Here you can create your website backlink. If you have another information about it, Please post a comment. you can see one more related article about bookmarking 125 High PR dofollow Social Bookmarking site List 2013.

37 Free social bookmarking site list 2013 :


Monday, November 18, 2013

How to Approve google adsense acount from bangladesh,india,sri lanka

If you have a website or blog and you want to make money with it every one suggest you publish adsense ads in you blog/website. So make money with your blog you need to an approval adsense account. but now a days it is very deficult  to approve an  adsense account from bangladesh , india, sri-lanka ,malayasia.
so today we approve an adsense account from those countries.
 Don't miss : how to approve adsense account in hours with youtube

How to approve adsense from Bangladesh 

Now we approve adsense by youtube and then linked to blogger or website
1. you need a new gmail account(it's means you not try for adsense with this gmail )
See for : How to create a gmail ID
2. Log in Youtube with this gmail id and password upload a unique video (don't use downloaded video, make a video with mobile)
4.Now go to My Channel>> click on your video title>> Channel Setting>>Select United State as your country as the images below

5   .Some countries youtube moneties not support. it aslo not support in bangladesh.
so we select here united states. don't wairry  when we apply for adsense select Bangladesh

6. go to To Monetize your Video Channel
7. now Enable your video channel for monetization like blew picture

8. If you done above steps successfully  then you get a  confirmation email. if you get it now you able to apply for adsense through youtube.
9. now go to your Channel setting>> monetization >> in this page click How will I be paid see blew

10. now click on  “associate an Adsense account”  then click the NEXT
11. Now you will be redirected to Adsense
12.see here a contact information form like blew picture

12. fill up it  carefully with your legal information and don't forget to select Bangladesh as your Country.
        Country : Bangladesh.
13. Then click Submit

After 2-3 Hours you will get adsense approval confirmation email.

Keywords Research and Top SEO Rankings

The main purpose of any keyword is to make your website visible through that particular phrase. You should make a good marketing plan to optimize the keywords. Recognizing the best keywords for search engine results is very valuable in your search marketing plan for keywords.We make use of keyword research to find out most appropriate keywords for our site. Keyword research helps us in finding out that which are the keywords that people are hitting the most while searching. So if you are thinking about the right way to discover the search engine keywords that can place your site on the top of the competitors,  keep in mind that the Keywords for search engine marketing should be:
Related or Data-Driven
Organized according to your niche
Top SEO Promotions - SEO Promotions

The keywords have a great value in the search engine results. Your keyword research efforts should be far more effective in the long term if you are taking the further step to organize your keywords. We can also make use of keyword grouping to improve the rankings for our keywords in search engine results.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

How to Add a free generated privacy policy in blog or website -blogger and wordpress

Privacy policy is a common page in every professional blog or website. it is inform to visitors what kind of roll play here and data use purpose. If you want to publish Google adsense ads you must need privacy policy page because  it is a term and condition of google adsense.
So we generated a privacy policy page or post in online. and providing our blogger blog term and condition.

see also: add a nice contact us form in blogger

How to  generated  privacy policy for blogger 

you can create a privacy policy page or post by doing blew steps

1. we create it online and 100% free. so go to here now  click me  
2. now put there your blog/website url in red marked 2. see blew picture
3. now type your email in  marked option 3
4.don,t forget to check it .
5. this is very important option for add ads publisher. if you  want to publish adsense ad check like picture.
if you use others network please check it carefully
6. now click on Create my privacy policy  

now check your email and copy the code which is sent by serprank  
7. now goto you blog layout and click add a gadget then select HTML/Javascript 
8.paste here your copied code. then save it

How to add privacy policy page

9. go to your blog dashboard   and click on pages. see here like blew

10. now click new page and select blank page then paste your copied code from serp rank and save it.
11. now publish it.   you can create a post for privacy and policy.
12. visit your privacy policy page or post and copy page or post link
see your blog like something blew picture

13. go to your blog templete and search privacy policy and paste link insted of #.

14 .save templete 
you are successfully done it.